Reselling and Articles

Did you know that you can find author's to write your ebooks or informational products for you for free? That's right. You don't even have to write the ebook yourself. You can just copy other author's who actually want you to copy them. Just find an affiliate link for anything on or and then search for similar articles on Authors on write articles to promote their own affiliate links or websites. They will write a short 1 page article (or maybe longer) and include links at the bottom for their websites where their affiliate links might be. Anybody can use the articles to promote their business or make an ebook out of. You are free to make ebooks out of the articles and sell them anywhere you want, but the only condition of reprinting the articles is that you have to include the original links that are at the bottom of the article. That's why the authors want you to copy their articles.

So they can promote their links for their websites. You could also become an author to promote your own links. So people will use your articles on websites or ebooks and you can gain customers whenever they click on YOUR links at the bottom. If you write your own, article, you can put it on and also make your own ebook out of it. Then you can put your own links in your own ebook with your own content and give it away or sell it and offer "resell rights" with it. So now you have people working for you who will go out there and sell your ebook so your affiliate links are floating around in different places on the internet for other people to click on. The best way to write articles is write about instructional things. People search google for things like "how to bake a cake". Then they may come across your article that is explaining how to bake a cake. is a very popular website so people may see it as the first result in google when they do a search so your article may become very popular if it's a popular subject that lots of people search for. I usually write about things I already know how to do, or, I will do a google search to learn how to do something simple and then just write about it from my own perspective.


The most common way that people promote affiliate companies is on their own websites . If you set up a website, you can add affiliate banners or links anywhere on your website. Let's say you have a website about travelling to different places. This type of website could make you alot of money because you could sign up for affiliate programs with tour agencies or Airlines. Let's say Jill is looking on google for websites that have information about travelling to Europe. She finds your website and starts looking at your site. She notices a banner at the top of the page that is flashing or says something like "Cheap Flights to Europe, Click Here". She clicks on the banner or link and it brings her to United Airline's or Delta's website. Now if she buys a plane ticket to Europe, you get paid your commission since she was referred from your website. If you don't know how to set up your own website, you can visit my guide on How To Make a Website for Free.

Building Websites Around Affiliate Links:

One great way to build a website that makes you affiliate money is to build the website AROUND the affiliates. Instead of building the website first, and then adding affiliates, you can make a list of affiliates that all offer similar things and then you can build the website based on the affiliates on your list. Below is a perfect example of what I mean.

This website is disguised as a "review" website. When people visit this website, they think they are reading "reviews" of certain credit cards. Well it probably is reviews, but I bet all the reviews say good things (or even if they say bad things, it's still good for the creator of the site). Each review probably contains an affiliate link. So if you went to this website and you were reading a good review on a visa credit card and decided to get one, you might click on the link under the review for the website. Well you just made the owner of the credit card reviews website some money if you applied for a Visa Card. The person who created the credit card reviews website just referred you to Visa without you even knowing it. Cha-Ching!

You can also use ebay classified or other auction sites such as onlineauction to promote your website. You can set up a simple 1 page website or an elaborate one. Include something free on there such as an ebook that is related to the website and allow people to download it for free. Then you can go on ebay or onlineauction. When customers contact you, send them a link in an email to your website where they can download their "free" item. Once they go to the website, they may click on other affiliate ads that are next to the "free item" download or maybe you can offer even more "free" things next to that. In each "free" thing, include an affiliate link and a little bit of info with the download. So now you are not only increasing your chances of making money by adding affiliate links to the actual "free" product, but you also increase your chances to make money by adding affiliate links to the actual download page.

Continue Reading - Chapter 5